The final report of the Independent NDIS Review conducted has been released with 26 recommendations and 139 supporting actions for the NDIS to implement. An independent review was undertaken to restore trust and confidence for NDIS participants and to improve experiences and outcomes. The Australian Government and states and territories have committed to reforming the NDIS system and the National Cabinet have agreed to implement legislation to make disability support more accessible for participants. In 2024 the Government plans to provide their full response to the Review.
The recommendations provided by the independent Review include:
Develop a unified system of support for people with disability
- Investing in foundational supports to bring fairness, balance and sustainability to the ecosystem supporting people with disability
- Increase the scale and pace of change in mainstream and community inclusion and accessibility and improve the connection between mainstream services and the NDIS
- Provide a fairer and more consistent participant pathway
- Support all people with disability to navigate mainstream, foundational and NDIS service systems
- Provide better support for people with disability to make decisions about their lives
- Create a continuum of support for children under the age of 9 and their families
- Introduce a new approach to NDIS supports for psychosocial disability, focused on personal recovery, and develop mental health reforms to better support people with severe mental illness
- Fund housing and living supports that are fair and consistent, and support participants to exercise genuine choice and control over their living arrangement
- Deliver a diverse and innovative range of inclusive housing and living supports
![Allied Health Worker showing a client in a wheelchair something on a tablet](
Markets and support systems that empower people with disability
10. Invest in digital infrastructure for the NDIS to enable accessible, timely and reliable information and streamlined processes that strengthen NDIS market functioning and scheme integrity
11. Reform pricing and payments frameworks to improve incentives for providers to deliver quality supports to participants
12. Embed, promote and incentivise continuous quality improvement in the market, supported by a dedicated quality function in the new National Disability Supports Quality and Safeguards Commission
13. Strengthen market monitoring and responses to challenges in coordinating the NDIS market
14. Improve access to supports for First Nations participants across Australia and for all participants in remote communities through alternative commissioning arrangements
15. Attract, retain and train a workforce that is responsive to participant needs and delivers quality supports
16. Deliver safeguarding that is empowering and tailored to individuals, their service needs and environments
17. Develop and deliver a risk-proportionate model for the visibility and regulation of all providers and workers, and strengthen the regulatory response to long-standing and emerging quality and safeguards issues
18. Reinvigorate efforts to urgently drive reduction and elimination in the use of restrictive practices
Stewardship of the united ecosystem
19. Embed effective quality and safeguarding institutions and architecture across the disability support ecosystem
20. Create a new compact between Australian governments
21. Clarify accountability for sustainability and governance of the disability ecosystem
22. Embed a highly skilled, person-centred, disability aware culture across all disability agencies and governments
23. Measure what matters, build an evidence base of what works, and create a learning system
A five year transition
24. Establish appropriate architecture to implement reforms
25. Coordinate and consult on amendments to relevant legislation to enact proposed reforms
26. Develop an implementation roadmap that factors in critical dependencies and risks to ensure a smooth transition for existing participants
In light of these upcoming changes, here at Ability Partners we are committed to delivering the best in helping you achieve your goals. We deliver Allied Health Services across Australia where our staff achieve great outcomes for disabled people, every day. We deliver evidence-based best practices whether you have a cognitive, psychosocial or physical disability, we can support you to live your more independent life.
We also provide the following services:
- School Leaver Employment Support
- Autism Telehealth
- Worksite Assessments
- Vocational Assessments
- Psychological Assessments
Ability Partners are here to help, get in touch today!